Friday, November 8, 2013

"My Cancellation" Bullshit

Bullshit.  Bullshit.  And horseshit!  This "My Cancellation" site is run by a bugfuck nutty, Koch-sucking astro-turf conservative front group--started to support vile Uncle Tom Clarence Thomas during his confirmation hearing!!--and I will estimate that better than 99% of the examples they show are either outright lies cooked up by asshole Republican operatives out of whole cloth or disingenuously incomplete because the sorry fuckers dumb enough to be part of teabagging astro turf website are being ripped off by their insurance companies or they don't understand how the program is supposed work.  The functional winners and losers under the ACA are pretty well understood, so the assholes at "My Cancellation" are full of shit.

It is time for some intrepid "news" blogger to do some follow up on this motherfucker and see what's what.  How many of these Obamacare "victims" are Republican operatives or their family members? 

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