could you ever find three more disgusting village-idiot cocksuckers to puke up on your tee vee channel than david gregory, chuck todd and mrs. alan greenspan andrea mitchell? as if the vacuous and torpid brian williams was not criminal enough.
i'm sure this was obama praying hard to not have this thing be a fucking
election-year issue with the lunatic teabagger racist assholes: at the
behest of well-known anti-american commie pussy kenyan muslim socialist
coward--black!!--barack hussein obama, the marines are stringing up a
brave defender of freedom for the mass murder of some disgusting fucking
dirt people. much like a choice for the medal of honor as a prize for
some random act of purported heroism in a far larger war, this
horrible event
was merely a subjective choice for prosecution out of a wide-ranging,
illegal war. with all the torture, murder, drone strikes, invasions,
occupations, atrocities, we could prosecute for the next 10.000 years
and still not punish every villain in our wars--but start with cheney
and bush! this case was a bad one: american soldiers caught out in a
no-win situation where they never should have been who panic and murder a
bunch of people. killing it off with a plea for almost no jail time
screams that everybody just wants to make it go away. that's not really
justice, but on the other hand, if he'd been piloting a drone and had
fucked up a huge wedding party with a hellfire missile at the orders of
the cia, he'd never have been charged with anything.
former dogmatic republican paul craig roberts
is losing his shit over the collapse of the last ron paul presidential
candidacy ever. his points are certainly valid. a strict
constitutional constructionist, even a wackjob crank like ron paul,
would do loads to undo some of the ongoing damage to the american
republic that the has only accelerated under the likes of clinton, bush
and obama. the truth is that from now on, paul and his ideas, good and bad, honorable and reprehensible,
will be invisible in the campaign. he fucked up in iowa, his best
chance for a sea-change electoral result, and will most likely be
nowhere in the upcoming states with no coverage and no acknowledgement
of his campaign or his positions; he will get none of the love in the
debates from the moderators who will be hoping for hot newt on mittens
action. it's a two-man clown-car crackup now, mittens and newt.
roberts and his libertarian hopes are pretty much toast now.
update: paul was nothing at the nbc debate. his very sensible answer
about cuba sank like a stone. it's the mittens and newt show now. the
paul candidacy is, outside of the non-republican libertarians and
pot-smoking kids, over.
these are the upper middle class twits who give the 99% a bad name.
the only thing that should be said about joe pa is that his best friend
was a boy-raper, and the good catholic boy joe pa protected him for 40
fucking years. nobody gives a flying fuck about football or that shitty
school that he ran like his personal fiefdom. they should burn the
pennsyltucky vatican to the ground and take everyone associated with the
serial child rape
down to the pond and drown them in a burlap bag with the unwanted
kittens. and it's not just places like the serotta forum; watching some
of those despicable fuckers get all weepy over that hellbound piece of
shit on that cursed campus is enough to make you pray for some
divine justice.
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