Friday, January 18, 2013

One Year Ago Today

bat removal machine

an impromptu performance of die fledermaus is no fucking fun when you come into a dark house with children in tow, and it's suddenly johann fucking strauss time!  screaming, panic and chaotic flapping break out and then the kids and the bat get in on the fun!  it sucks, but pretty quickly you decide that summary execution is the only way out if you can't get rid of that bat.  fortunately, a tennis racquet and a baby blanket can be used as a snare, and poof! problem solved. 

will the ex slay mittens's white whale

since mittens doesn't want to be as big a piece of shit loser as al gore, he would love to have been given the skills and opportunity to slay the great white flabby whale chris christie newt gingrich during the next primaries and build some credibility, but perhaps the ex will flush turd ferguson newt herself before mittens can even figure out how the big boat and harpoon stuff works.

your not-at-all-liberal establishment media sucks, part 1 zillion

what possible sort of "civil war" could be waging over such obvious news?  would a liberal firebrand get that sort of consideration before a make-or-break primary?  uh, sure, yeah.  of course.  

the pipeline scheme isn't dead

the tar sands pipeline scheme has too many patrons to be totally dead.  strip mining, oil companies, crooked politicians, demagogues, china, these are people who are used to getting their way.  obama is happy to play politics for now and let assholes like gingrich and romney make fools of themselves, but this thing will bend back to the will of the oil companies and their tools sooner or later.

reality bites back

this shit is like obama fluffers vs. history.  this kind of utter disregard for reality and the rampant bullshit from the mindlesss obama fluffers makes me think that mittens will have a decent chance.  between the horrible racist anybody but the black man teabaggers and the pissed-off liberals and the dope-smoking ron paul kids, obama's gonna be missing shitloads of voters he had all locked up in 2008. 

black out

it would be pretty intense to see all the internet companies pissed off at senator stewart smalley and the rest of those idiots really black out their personal internets for a day or two and watch people lose their shit.  no google search, no free email, no kittehs, wikipedia, or lots and lots and lots of porn for 24 or 48 hours.  that would be quite a stunt.  and it would be the end of the anti-internet bullshit.  and remember this slimy bastard ran for president.

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