Thursday, January 10, 2013

Today In Gun Control: Peel Off The Hunters

What did we learn today?  Worthwhile gun control will be easier if the gun control movement is able to peel off the hunters.  Gun control should, and will, honor the Second Amendment and protect gun rights, and the people who should be targeted are the hunters.  Real hunters and their firearms will not be focus of gun control; if the gun control movement can make them understand that and bring them on board, that will make progress easier.  It will not be an easy sell, but gun control is also about protecting the rights of hunters and hunting rifles.  Keep up the pressure, keep up the education, join the NRA, change the NRA, and make allies inside and outside the NRA.  Let the hunters know they will be protected, and build the gun control movement.  This is real work and will take time, but that time is now.

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