Friday, January 4, 2013

Dr. Who Snowmen

I finally got around to watching the Dr. Who Christmas Special that was plopped there on my DVR.  I was mildly surprised that I didn't hate it.  The Snowmen was certainly a step up from the recent Christmas shows.  I kinda dig the Clara Oswin companion, as I was not a fan of the Amy Pond stuff.  After painting himself into a corner with River Song, Moffat has a good shot at having a nicely contained and brief Clara/Oswin arc.  I hope.  They had some good fun with Strax the Sontaran and seemed to leave open the possibility that Capt. Jack Harkness was responsible for reanimating the Sontaran nurse.  Certainly nothing too much was made of it, so it is not absolutely necessary to go that way.  The Great Intelligence nod to the early incarnations was a good bit of fun, too.  The Snowmen was Moffat the way Moffat wrote for the show before he took over from Russel T. Davies.  Matt Smith is no Christopher Eccleston, but free of the Amy/Rory/River albatross for a while, Smith should have a better opportunity to stretch out more.  I guess we'll see.  So far, the immediate future is looking up Dr. Who-wise. 

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